Sunday, 15 April 2007


"Neglect is the thief of dreams, a virus that infects your whole life, stealing your energy, dulling your intellect and poisoning your passion" - Bobo West

I used to make up quotes, I was a collector and still am. But I never really explored them and got all the juice out of them. I was too active! Now that I have a bad back (probably through neglect?!), there is an opportunity to reflect a little more :-).

I suspect that neglect is a virus called CSD. The great Jim Rohn warned of the perils of neglect and summed up the problems of people in three words - "could, should, don't". That's exactly how CSD manifests itself: you could do it, you should do it, but you don't do it. Is that not the source of underachievement in almost every area? You could do 10 minutes exercise every day, you should do 10 minutes exercise everyday, you don't do 10 minutes exercise every day. CSD.
You could learn something new everyday, you should learn something new everyday, you don't learn something new everyday. CSD. You could take an action step towards your goal every day, you should take an actuon step towards your goal every day, you don't take an action step towards your goal every day. CSD.

The result is that you may have dreams but take no action towards accomplishing them despite having the capablity and "motivation" to do so. CSD affects your whole life by undermining your internal integrity - the power of your word. Your energy levels drop under the weight of the inertia and your mind begins to dull without the momentum of accomplishment. Finally, you begin to give up those dreams . . . .

Although the could and the should can be relatively easily enhanced by personal development, it seems to be the don't that is requires considerable effort to overcome. That's why, despite having lots of knowledge and intelligence, many people underachieve. It's the doing that counts, the taking action. JFDI.

So that's where energy needs to focused - how do we become action-takers? We will explore this further tomorrow.

1 comment:

Richard Lockyer said...

Hi Gerald,
very wise words and oh so true, we are all guilty of it.

Richard Lockyer