Tuesday, 24 April 2007


"If you do not occupy your life with a big problem, it will simply get filled up by little ones" - Unknown

I was at a meeting last night where I met some extraordinary people. One man that stood out was a wheelchair-bound marketing guru called Geoff Bone. He lost both his legs in an accident in 1972 and decided that he wouldn't let that stop him. He set up and ran marketing businesses that are providing him with the basic platform to tackle big problems and big needs in the world. There are 130 million people disabled people worldwide who don't have access to wheelchairs and therefore drag themselves around on the floor. Geoff decided that that was unacceptable to him, and had the vision of providing a wheelchair to every disabled person in the third world. He took ACTION to put his vision into motion and now runs a project to solve this massive problem. To find out more, visit the website:


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